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Tokimeki Checkin! by Peach Princess And Crowd
Snow Drop from Peach Princess and Will Sweet Basil
Critical Point from Peach Princess and Will Japan
Kana - Little Sister from G-Collections
Chain: The Lost Footprints from G-Collections and ZyX
EVE: Burst Error From JastUSA and Himeya Soft
ADAM: The Double Factor from JastUSA and Himeya Soft
Thousand Arms from Atlus
Bishoujo Games Not Covered In Full Sections
Soon-To-Be-Released Titles
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Awards This Website Has Won

Welcome to the World of English Bishoujo Gaming

If you like this site and the games, please spread the word! English Bishoujo Gaming needs lots of support! It only takes a second. Thanks!

October 14th, 2006 - Congratulations! You've found the old interface page. Redesign of the website is well underway, and I'm only going to keep this navigation button set around until I can update everything to the new frameset. Then we'll work on updating content and getting more games covered!

October 12th, 2006 - Hello all! It was prophesied, you doubted, but I have returned! Turns out not only did I get married, but we also moved to an ew state (Connecticut), and had a lot of work to do with the new house. Hence the longer disappearance. But I'm back, and life is more organized and together than it's been in a long time, so here I am and full of ideas for this website. Look forward to it!

February 26th, 2006 -This website has NOT been forgotten. However, I will not be updating for a few more months, as wedding plans are in full swing, and I simply do not have the time and energy right now. Updates will resume in June, 2006. Thank you all for your continued support, and I look forward to working on the website further once I return from the honeymoon. We're going to DisneyWorld!

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