October 12th, 2006 - Hello all! It was prophesied, you doubted, but I have returned! Turns out not only did I get married, but we also moved to an ew state (Connecticut), and had a lot of work to do with the new house. Hence the longer disappearance. But I'm back, and life is more organized and together than it's been in a long time, so here I am and full of ideas for this website. Look forward to it!
February 26th, 2006 -This website has NOT been forgotten. However, I will not be updating for a few more months, as wedding plans are in full swing, and I simply do not have the time and energy right now. Updates will resume in June, 2006. Thank you all for your continued support, and I look forward to working on the website further once I return from the honeymoon. We're going to DisneyWorld!
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